
Tucker: This is what we should be worried about

Love him or hate him, I think he is right. The clips plays from 4.20, or it should do according to YouTube. If not, please skip forward to 4.20.

I have heard this theory before. It’s nothing new. But with Russia controlling Europe’s energy of oil and gas (that Biden gave them but shutting down the Keystone pipeline and letting Russia continue to build their pipeline) the wealth goes to them. Russia has already erased the US dollar from their holdings. China is working on it. Albeit slowly.  
What would happen if the major countries of the world decided the Chinese yuan was more powerful than the US dollar. I think, if that happened, 21 trillion dollars of debt would be instantly called. The USA would be bankrupt. That would start WW3 or China would forgive the debt and the usa would be called Beijing America.  

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