The Reckoners Series Book 2 Brandon Sanderson’s, Firefight, the gripping sequel to, Steelheart, plunges readers back into...
Jeff Menapace has hit another home run with “Bad Games Book 2,” the highly anticipated sequel that...
Although I usually don’t lean towards fantasy, I approached Steelheart with a hint of doubt. My reading...
Ian Rob Wright has captivated readers once more with Blood on the Bar, the electrifying first installment...
Sidney Sheldon’s Master of the Game is a sweeping epic that spans nearly a century, beginning in...
Graham Masterton’s *Ikon* takes readers on a chilling journey into the realm of supernatural horror, featuring a...
One by One — by Fredia McFadden is this gripping psychological thriller about a group of people...
Freida McFadden’s, The Co-Worker, is a gripping page-turner that seamlessly blends suspense with sharp character development. From...
Sylvain Neuvel’s “Only Human,” the final installment in the Themis Files trilogy, delivers a compelling conclusion...
Sylvain Neuvel’s “Waking Gods,” the second installment in the Themis Files series, continues its narrative prowess...