In “This Wretched Valley” by Jenny Kiefer, readers are transported to a world steeped in history and...
The fourth book takes readers on an exhilarating journey through a future universe where the struggles for...
Regardless of your views and his views, the man can craft a compelling story. I was...
I was eagerly anticipating my return to the captivating silo world in Hugh Howey’s third installment, “Dust.”...
Hugh Howey’s “Shift” is a thought-provoking and intricately woven tale that takes readers on a journey...
This is a masterful blend of fantasy, nostalgia, and profound insight into the magic of childhood. The...
In Paul Cleave’s “The Laughterhouse,” we dive into the world of Theodore Tate for a third...
In essence, this is a mystery novel. And with all good mysteries, there are a couple of...
No. Just no. The pacing of the narrative seems to lack the gripping intensity that made...
I came to this book not realizing that previous books are referenced in passing. The first book...