Sidney Sheldon’s Master of the Game is a sweeping epic that spans nearly a century, beginning in...
Lee Pletzers
Graham Masterton’s *Ikon* takes readers on a chilling journey into the realm of supernatural horror, featuring a...
One by One — by Fredia McFadden is this gripping psychological thriller about a group of people...
Freida McFadden’s, The Co-Worker, is a gripping page-turner that seamlessly blends suspense with sharp character development. From...
Sylvain Neuvel’s “Only Human,” the final installment in the Themis Files trilogy, delivers a compelling conclusion...
Sylvain Neuvel’s “Waking Gods,” the second installment in the Themis Files series, continues its narrative prowess...
“Sleeping Giants” by Sylvain Neuvel is a stunning debut that combines the allure of science fiction with...
A Gripping Tale of Secrets and Suspense. Parker Adams has crafted a compelling narrative in “The Lock...
“Fleabag: A Monster Evolution LitRPG” by Someonetoforget offers a unique twist on the LitRPG genre, providing...
If you’re looking for a book that will keep you on the edge of your seat, “Room...