“The Map of Time,” published in 2008, is a captivating journey into a world where nothing is...
Lee Pletzers
“Snakes on a Plane” isn’t just an audiobook; (Graphic Audio) it’s a thrilling experience for those who...
“Unguilty” by JC Ryan offers readers a contemporary legal thriller filled with twists and turns that keep...
I bought this a few years ago and finally got around to reading it. “Metro 2033” by...
“Dead Simple” by Peter James – is like being strapped into a rollercoaster that’s got more loops...
I just finished reading “The Dream Home” by T. M. Logan, and let me tell you, it’s...
In “This Wretched Valley” by Jenny Kiefer, readers are transported to a world steeped in history and...
The fourth book takes readers on an exhilarating journey through a future universe where the struggles for...
Regardless of your views and his views, the man can craft a compelling story. I was...
I was eagerly anticipating my return to the captivating silo world in Hugh Howey’s third installment, “Dust.”...