The Girl Next Door Jack Ketchum Leisure Books version 2008 The Girl Next Door by Jack Ketchum...
Lee Pletzers
The LostJack Ketchum(c)2001Leisure Edition 2008Pages: 394 I’ve heard a lot about Jack Ketchum (especially recently), even discovered...
Crimson by Gord RolloPublished by Leisure Fiction(c)2009, March326 pages Crimson is a basic horror story in setting....
You Play, You Pay by B. L. MorganStoneGarden PublishingISBN: 1-60076-140-2204 pages(c) July 2009 I have read all...
Patient Zero by Jonathan MaberrySt Martin’s PressISBN-13: 978-0-312-38285-8ISBH-10: 0-312-38285-8421 pages This is the first Jonathan Maberry book...
Z Day is Here,Journal of the Zombie Apocalypseby Rob FoxPublisher: Library of the Living DeadCopyright 2009ISBN 13:...
Deception Point A Corgi Book ISBN: 9780552151764 583 Pages (c)2001 There’s been a discovery. It’s top secret...
One by Conrad WilliamsVirgin Books 2009-07-29ISBN: 978-0-7535-1810-6363 Pages Richard Jane is a deep sea welder. While at...
The StrainGuillermo Del Toro and Chuck HoganHarperCollinsPublishers© 2009401 Pages The Strain is book one in a three...
The Edge of the WorldBook One of Terra IncognitaKevin J. AndersonPublisher: OrbitISBN: 978-1-84149-663-4574 pages This is a...