Hugh Howey’s “Shift” is a thought-provoking and intricately woven tale that takes readers on a journey...
In Paul Cleave’s “The Laughterhouse,” we dive into the world of Theodore Tate for a third...
As mentioned in my previous review of book one, I started listening to book two straight...
Many moons ago when I was a publisher, I reprinted one of his short stories. It was...
This an awesome read with four astronauts returning from a trip to Mars where strange things happened...
This is my first Heinlein book, and by god is it a cracker! I couldn’t stop reading...
I received this copy for a review. The story line is very interesting, the sort of tale...
This is a new kind of review: One of my first green screen attempts. this is a review of...
Yet again another massive book. Amy appears at the beginning for a very short time and then...
Fallen Angel by John LingKia Kaha Press NZKindle version I got a copy of this thanks to...