I love the early works of Dean Koontz, especially the books he penned under different names, like, K. R. Dwyer. However in the past few dozen years I haven’t found a book of his that I can finish, apart from, The Husband–which was bitching and reviewed somewhere on this site.
Elsewhere by Dean Koontz is another book I cannot finish. I listened to the audio format and I think the female voice for the girl’s scenes wasn’t the right choice. Normally, I like it when they have more than one reader, but as an audio play more than reading section by section.
I got half way through the 10 hour file when I called it quits.
Dean Koontz is a master at characters. The three main characters jump of the page. The book moves at a good pace for the first handful of chapters, then slow the fuck down after the encounter with a deformed or deranged monkey-boy. I got bored of listening.
Sorry. Not sorry.
No rating.