Hugh Howey’s “Shift” is a thought-provoking and intricately woven tale that takes readers on a journey...
Lee Pletzers
This is a masterful blend of fantasy, nostalgia, and profound insight into the magic of childhood. The...
In Paul Cleave’s “The Laughterhouse,” we dive into the world of Theodore Tate for a third...
In essence, this is a mystery novel. And with all good mysteries, there are a couple of...
No. Just no. The pacing of the narrative seems to lack the gripping intensity that made...
I came to this book not realizing that previous books are referenced in passing. The first book...
This captivating novel, hailing from the enigmatic era of the 80s or 90s, immerses readers in a...
This book won the Horror World Best Novel 2019 and it was adapted into a movie...
This is my first Paul Cleave book, and as a Kiwi writer, I should have dived...
I love Phillip K. Dick’s work. It’s easy to read and easy to follow, and somehow, it...