
Doctor Who Flux

So, for the past few weeks I was wring reviews on the new Doctor Who series called Flux. The first three I saw were brilliant. The Angles were back!

Village of Angles: My review >>> WTF. It started off well and went downhill from there. Chibnall fucked the Angels as well. 

Survivors of the Flux >>> ………. WTF did you do to the Fob Watch! It was a chameleon item introduced to turn the Doctor into a human, who didn’t remember he was The Doctor. Series 10 Mr. Smith. And series 10 Master’s return. Professor Yana (You are not alone). That’s fucked now too.  

The Vanquishers >>> Sigh. The Doctor finally has the chance to get all her memories back (just after a nearly lesbian moment between the Doctor and Yaz) and she drops the Fob Watch deep into the TARDIS to hide it from her, unless she asks for it. Of course. 

This video I stumbled upon answers this well: 

And there this video as well:



New Types of Non Sexual Friendship in Japan

This made me crack up.
Hugging on the train wahahahahahahahhahhhahahahaha



Once, Upon Time


The cliffhanger from the previous episode was good but the answer came as a bit of a cop-out. Nothing new there. But it does set up the episode well, going through the time stream of Dan, Vinda and Yaz. Good back stories. 

The Doctor is trying to save her friends by forcing them through their past, making them relive unhappy moments that brought them all together. The decisions and the choices made that brought them into contact with the doctor in the first place. 

The episode starts off with a new character with a great twist at the end. This is Bel, with a ton of internal dialogue. We learn that she is talking to someone and has a small machine that offers smiley faces and flying hearts. 

Swarm is in this episode as well. And I still love his character. Who is the actor? Oh, Sam Spruell. Okay. 

We also learn that Swarm the skeletal alien was being held by a secretive Time Lord force known as the Division, which previously wiped the Doctor’s memory to hide her past as the Timeless Child. Chibnell fucked us who fans by changing The Doctor from a time lord to an unknown alien. Her/His DNA allowed the time lords to regenerate. That story totally screwed the original years from Hartnell to Jodie. 

The other Doctor that we met previously, 
Jo Martin. She is a past reincarnation of The Doctor, that the Doctor doesn’t remember. She asks The Doctor some pointed questions that help her in the task ahead.  

In her past timeline, The Doctor is trying also to find out who she is and get back her wiped memories that The Division took from her. But she is kicked out. 

In the TARDIS, the Weeping Angels return. They are trying to disrupt timelines and mostly succeeding. 


The Angels have the TARDIS!!!!!!!

My Dr. Who T-Shirt predicted this:


War of the Sontarans


The second episode of Season 12 of Doctor Who, is action packed, yet its rating is less than last week. Only 3.96 million viewers. That’s shocking. I know people hate Jodie Whittaker as The Doctor and Chris Chibnall as ‘showrunner’. I’m fine with Jodie as The Doctor, just wish the writing had been better from series 11 when Chiby took over. Good news though,  The Sontarans have inserted themselves into our history and taken over Russia and China. The Doctor is back in time (Crimean War-era Sevastopol) and with Mary Seacole, she finds the Soltarans have built a massive fleet. 

SIDE NOTE 1: Mary Seacole is a real person. 

The Doctor tells an injured Soltarian to inform the leader that The Doctor is here, in this timeline. Their mortal enemy. The Doctor requests a parley (To parley is to have a discussion, especially one between enemies or opposing sides) and the Soltarans agree. 

Last week, we met Vinda a pilot assigned as the sole occupant of a remote deep space outpost. He is transported to The Temple of Atropos on the planet called Time. The planet is in ruins (due to the Flux) and the temple with the guardians of time are dying. Swarm (correction on first post I called him Death) enters the temple and dispatches on of the dying guardians. There are also three Passengers. These Passengers can hold thousands of people. 

SIDE NOTE 2: Atropos was one of the three goddesses of three Fates. Also known as the Moirai, the three Fates were the goddesses of fate and destiny. They controlled the path that every mortal took in life. Read more about this here.

Swarm is deliciously evil. He totally rocks. His sister is in the background mostly. 

The British army takes on the Soltarans in a bloody battle. Guess who wins. With The Doctor on his side and Mary Seacole give information. They head to the Sonltaran camp. They are bugging out due to The Doctor beating them again. But General 
Logan reneges and bombs the camp. The Doctor is pissed off. 

In 2021, Dan whom the Flux transported back to London, manages to destroy the Sontaran fleet by crashing a ship into their fleet causing a massive explosion, blowing the shipyard up. 

Dan meets up with The Doctor and the TARDIS is highjacked and lands in the broken Temple of Atropos. Swarm is there with his sister and he has inserted Yaz and Vinda into the the positions of Guardians but as they are not Moirai and will be destroyed in seconds. 

The Doctor and Dan are forced to watch as Swam kills them. 

Episode ends. Cliffhanger. 



Halloween Apocalypse

So, I heard Dr. Who was returning, and I pretty much didn’t give a shit. Season 11 was boring and preachy, 12 was better but always carried that underline wokeness.

The rating for this first episode was only 4.43 million. Not so great.

It opens with the Doctor and Yaz dangling from a gravity bar flying through space (Space as in open air space). They escape and land in the TARDIS. 

We meet Dan, an instantly likeable character who plans a date with possible GF. That plan gets messed up when he is hunted and captured by a humanoid dog. Part of a fleet of billions of space crafts, first thought to be invading Earth but not.

Confronting the Doctor, the ‘Dog’ tells of The Flux. A thing that is destroying the universe. And a creature (I think death) has battled the doctor many times, but he has erased their encounters in her mind. He believes he has the upper advantage. 

Not so much wokeness but actually a story there. It was a build up to the second episode. This was GOOD. I know, woke Dr. Who was really good. 

And look who is back: 

Not sure what they have to do with the story, or the girl the statue is chasing. I heard this short series was one story. First time, ever they said. Not true. The remember Bad Wolf, The War Doctor, and McCoy as the doc, Baker too. They mostly had four part or six part stories. 

If I’m wrong, tell me in the comments. 

(images copyright BBC, used under fair use)
(Spoiler Alert image created by me. CC0 license–feel free to use it.)

(😄 added by me.) 


What’s in a name?

 I had no idea that each full moon had a name. 

Tonight is the November full moon AKA Beaver moon. I will be hanging my jewelry (dangling from the windowsill) to recharge them. I do this monthly. I did miss last month as it was rainy. No moon power. 

Here are the names for those interested. 

I’ve heard a few of them before:

Traditional Full Moon Names

  1. Wolf Moon – January
  2. Snow Moon – February
  3. Worm Moon – March
  4. Pink Moon – April
  5. Flower Moon – May
  6. Strawberry Moon – June
  7. Buck Moon – July
  8. Sturgeon Moon – August
  9. Harvest Moon – September or October
  10. Full Corn Moon (Harvest) – September
  11. Hunter’s Moon (Harvest) – October
  12. Beaver Moon – November
  13. Cold Moon – December

A week back, I took a photo showing a ring around the moon. It is meant to be good luck to see that (according to Japan) and for my birthday next month, I7m allowed to get a new MacBook Pro 13 inch! It works!

I’ll repost that image here for those who didn’t see it in the original post. 

I took this photo with Google Pixel 5 Night Shot mode using Android 12. 



Tesla Phone Model Pi Will DESTROY the INDUSTRY

I would wait in line for this phone.

#elonmusk #tesla


Elon Musk opens up about Aliens…


Tom MacDonald – Balloons


Bonhoeffer‘s Theory of Stupidity

Wow. This is interesting AF.