

Turns out this was in September 2021. What was the verdict? Did they resign or get arrested for distributing pornographic material to school kids or did fuck all happen.


Elon Musk

Love him or hate him, this man sticks to his guns. His ideas are things that science fictions writers used to pen. Not only is he thing of Mars (not exciting for me) but he has a lot of ideas in the pipeline little old Earth. Check this link for more. For a guy, who at 12, created a video game and sold it for $500, he has done pretty well for himself.

I heard a rumor that when designing the Falcon rocket (Millennium Falcon??) NASA wouldn’t let him test in the US, or they blocked his testing or something like that (probably due to cost). So, he popped over to Russia (touchy topic now) and took barges into International waters and tested out there. Several failures and millions lost in design and build, when finally success.

He has had a lot of success (and failures as one doesn’t come without the other) and yet when it comes to electric cars, Tesla is always let out of the conversation. If I had 30 grand USD, I’d like to buy one just to say: I gots me a Tesla.

Anyway, this post was intended to highlight something Musk said he would do. And what he wouldn’t. I got this image off the internet. It probably needs to be fact checked.



I moved house

little wolfie
You moved?

Well, my blog did (one of them).

It took me a while to learn how to add a blog to this (blog built) site and then it cost me 19$ to purchase a Blogger to WordPress importer.

What happened to the old HTML import option?

Life was so much easier before web

It was also so much more shittier.

Everything advances and things change. Like my blog location. I think the reason I liked Blogger so such was the easy of posting from YouTube and other site that had a ‘share’ button.

Most share buttons now have a embed link. That should be fine.

img: Wolfie, my Shiba (pure blood according the certificate) at 1 year old. He is now 11.


⚠️ The Biggest Music Industry Screw Job Ever ⚠️ I cant believe they’re d…

I love how he says: Hate boner.


This used to be true for independent writers as well. Things have changed — not a lot, but it’s getting better.

Maybe the music industry will change as well.

This is Adam’s two cents:


Mystery, Thriller, and Crime Novels: What’s the Difference?

While closely related, crime novels, mystery novels, and thrillers are not synonymous genres. Each has its own idiomatic characteristics and attracts a specific audience.

What Are the Elements of a Crime Novel?
3 Popular Crime Subgenres

The 6 Elements of a Mystery Novel?

5 Popular Mystery Subgenres

What Are the Elements of a Thriller Novel?

4 Popular Thriller Subgenres

To read about all these categories, you need to pop over to a Masterclass website (linked below) to read the 5 minute article.



You don’t want this. 

Get an antivirus.

I can’t believe they named a virus Emo. 


How to know your life purpose in 5 minutes | Adam Leipzig | TEDxMalibu

This is a must watch video. Do you know what you wanna do with your life? My wife worked it out two years ago and put a plan into action at the age of 52 (back then) to be a kids English teacher. My wife can find joy in almost everything, even meeting hew people. She sometimes laughs when they introduce themselves. She’s bursting with joy. She’s very very VERY social. People sometimes give her a strange looks when can’t contain herself and laughs at introductions. I know why. You do too, now. 

My wife found her life’s purpose by accident. 
I knew my life’s purpose at age eight (when I stopped drawing and started writing) but never really put a plan into action. I wrote many short stories but New Zealand didn’t have much of a market (actually it had none) for the horror stories I wrote. This was in the late 80’s and 90’s before the Internet opened wide. 
Thanks to the Internet, I sold my first short story in 2001. Writer’s groups were all over the place, and I meet many fantastic people. I started my own Ning group with over 600 members about half were active and posted daily. I closed the group when Ning moved to a pay service. 
So, I knew what I wanted to do with my life. I should have been more hard on myself. And now, I’m 50. I’ve had 6 novels published, sold 77 short stories and I have a mortgage and a job and I struggle to make ends met. Like most writers / people. 
I think about writers like Peter James. I linked his Wikipedia page. And other writers who have done amazingly well with their dreams and desires. 
Not sure why I didn’t reach the top, but I’ve come to terms with that. 
Watching this video, I realized maybe I haven’t identified my audience as I thought. 
Watch the video below. 

My answer: 

The five points:
1) Lee
2) Writer
3) Readers
4) Escape
5) Hope or satisfaction 
Q: Lee, what do you do? 
A: I show other people that any adversary can be overcome. 
Q: How do you do that?
A: Through my writing. 
What about you? 

Tucker: This is what we should be worried about

Love him or hate him, I think he is right. The clips plays from 4.20, or it should do according to YouTube. If not, please skip forward to 4.20.

I have heard this theory before. It’s nothing new. But with Russia controlling Europe’s energy of oil and gas (that Biden gave them but shutting down the Keystone pipeline and letting Russia continue to build their pipeline) the wealth goes to them. Russia has already erased the US dollar from their holdings. China is working on it. Albeit slowly.  
What would happen if the major countries of the world decided the Chinese yuan was more powerful than the US dollar. I think, if that happened, 21 trillion dollars of debt would be instantly called. The USA would be bankrupt. That would start WW3 or China would forgive the debt and the usa would be called Beijing America.  


Well done, Russell Brand

Durham says techies linked to the Clinton campaign had access to White House and Trump Tower internet data.

I remember in 2020, all the media outlets were asking, Where is this Durham report? No one’s seen it.
I’m paraphrasing. But now it’s here, the media won’t touch it. Interesting. 
I wonder if Google will keep this blog post up? 

From the wall street journal:

From Russel Brand: 

reference: wall street journal

And the winner is…

So, some people know I run a tiny English school here in Japan. It’s not a professional school yet and only runs a few days a week. Both my wife and I teach. If the kids come, they donate a nominal fee, if they don’t, well, no fee. 

We ran a draw for one of the kids to win a lucky dried squid cracker. All entered, and I drew the winner this evening. 

Congrats Rio! 
A nominal fee is a payment or purchase price like any other fee. However, the use of the word “nominal” implies that the fee is small in comparison to the true value of what you can purchase with it.