
Report Reveals South American Countries Emptying Prisons To Send Criminals To United States

Since Joe Biden was installed in the office nearly two years ago, his ‘open border’ policies have allowed 4.9 million illegal aliens, or about the entire population of Ireland, to cross into the US.

It seems those thugs pushing our nation’s record crime streak are having good news today. They can take a much-needed break because Biden is bringing in fresh reinforcements.

According to a new report by the Department of Homeland Security that the Venezuelan government has been emptying its overcrowded prisons and releasing many convicted criminals, who are heading for the wide-open U.S.-Mexico border.

In fact, Rep. Troy Nehls (R-Texas) tweeted that the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has confirmed that Venezuela is dumping its prisoners, some of them violent, onto our southern border, where they saunter into the U.S.

“DHS confirms that Venezuela empties prisons and sends violent criminals to our southern border,” Nehls tweeted. “President Trump warned us about this years ago.”

Impeachment of Joe Biden, Article 1: Failure to secure the national border.

More details of this exclusive report from Breitbart:

The intelligence report warns agents the freed prisoners have been seen within migrant caravans traveling from Tapachula, Mexico toward the U.S.-Mexico border as recently as July. The source, not authorized to speak to the media, told Breitbart Texas the move is reminiscent of a similar action taken by Cuban dictator Fidel Castro during the Mariel boat lift in the 1980s.

The report does not specify that the release of the convicts — understanding they would head to the United States — could be a purposeful geopolitical move specifically intended to impact U.S. national security. Another information gap cited in the report acknowledges the unknown role the Bolivarian National Intelligence Service (SEBIN), Venezuela’s equivalent to the CIA, may have played in the deliberate releases.

The source says the task of identifying Venezuelans who have criminal records in their home country is nearly impossible. Of the thousands of Venezuelan migrants surrendering along the U.S.-Mexico border daily, most, according to the source, are being released into the United States. Without effective diplomatic relations with Venezuela, the source says access to criminal databases in that country simply does not exist.

“Unless we apprehend someone who voluntarily tells us they have committed a violent crime in Venezuela, we can only guess and that doesn’t work well,” the source told Breitbart. “They will more than likely be released.”

The source says it is unknown how many have already been released into the interior of the United States to pursue asylum.

This is exactly what I have been warning about 👇 We are being exploited at Biden’s chaotic purposeful border policy by all our adversaries. Not just Venezuela but China with Fentanyl using the cartels as their proxies – among others. Thanks for confirming. Now what @POTUS ?

— Sara A. Carter (@SaraCarterDC) September 18, 2022

Sources: TheGatewayPunditBreitbart

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